搬瓦工 CN2 GIA 线路进行维护,并赔偿用户1个月的免费使用时长

前几天麦子给大家介绍过搬瓦工 CN2 GIA 线路,这是一个新上线的而且还在测试中的一个 VPS 方案,由于 Bandwagonhost 官方近期需要对 CN2 GIA 线路进行停机维护,预计维护时间为3-7天,目前所有使用搬瓦工 CN2 GIA 线路的用户将会暂时迁移到搬瓦工 CN2 GT 线路,等维护完成后会统一迁回 CN2 GIA 线路,对于这次维护给大家造成的不便,搬瓦工官方会免费补偿用户一个月的使用时长。



搬瓦工 CN2 GIA 线路进行维护,并赔偿用户1个月的免费使用时长





Dear Bandwagon Host Customer,

You are receiving this service alert because you have an active CN2 GIA VPS with us.

First of all, we would like to thank you for being our valued customer and trying out our Beta CN2 GIA service. Our team has put in many months of work to make this plan available to you, and we are happy we were finally able to launch it recently as beta/preview service.

Unfortunately, after the initial successful deployment of our first rack with China Telecom, we became aware of an administrative issue – which to date we were not able to overcome. We feel that in order for us to provide truly premium and stable service, we must take corrective action before CN2 GIA plans go in full production.

However, the way for us to solve this issue requires us to perform two migrations of all VPS instances on CN2 GIA BETA plan.

Therefore, on Monday, March 26, at 00:00 AM PST (midnight Los Angeles time) we will be migrating your CN2 GIA BETA VPS over to our currently deployed CN2 GIS (GT) service. The downtime will be between 5-20 minutes per VPS, and IP address of your VPS will be changed during this migration.

Once this initial migration is complete, we will coordinate with China Telecom to resolve the outstanding issue. We estimate that it will take us between 3-7 days to complete this task, and after that we will be ready to move all affected clients back to our CN2 GIA network. After reverse migration is done, your VPS will be assigned its original IP address.

We will be sending an additional notification once we determine exact date and time of the reverse migration.

To compensate for the inconvenience this causes, we will be adding 1 month of free service to all affected clients. This extension will be applied on Monday, March 26. You do not need to do anything to receive this bonus.

If instead you would like us to refund your order in full, feel free to get in touch with us via support tickets and we will be happy to accommodate your request. Should you receive an automatic reply pointing you to the refund page, simply respond to that message that you would like a manual refund, and your ticket will be processed within 24 hours.

With kindest regards,

Daniel Clay
Bandwagon Host/IT7 Networks Inc




当您收到此邮件提醒是因为您有我们的 CN2 GIA 线路VPS方案。

首先,我们非常感谢您成为我们尊贵的客户并试用我们的Beta CN2 GIA服务。我们的团队已经投入了数月的时间来为您提供这款VPS方案,我们很高兴终于能够最近推出它作为测试服务器。

不幸的是,在中国电信首次成功部署我们的第一个VPS方案后,我们意识到了一个严重问题 - 迄今为止我们无法解决。我们认为,为了让我们提供真正的优质和稳定的服务,我们必须在CN2 GIA计划全面生产之前采取纠正措施。

但是,我们解决此问题的方式要求我们对CN2 GIA BETA计划中的所有VPS实例执行两次迁移。

因此,在3月26日星期一太平洋标准时间上午(洛杉矶时间午夜),我们将把您的CN2 GIA BETA VPS迁移到我们目前部署的CN2 GIS(GT)服务。停机时间将在5-20分钟之间,并且在此迁移过程中,您的VPS的IP地址将会更改。

一旦这个初步迁移完成,我们将与中国电信协调解决悬而未决的问题。我们估计完成此任务需要3-7天的时间,之后我们将准备将所有受影响的客户移回我们的CN2 GIA网络。反向迁移完成后,您的VPS将被分配其原始IP地址。





Daniel Clay
Bandwagon Host / IT7 Networks Inc


