Due to higher than usual demand, we are running out of room at multiple locations.
On October 19 we have reopened sales of our CN2 plan ($29.99/year).
When you place a new order for a CN2 plan, you will not be able to select any location besides Los Angeles. However after your VPS is activated, you can migrate it to any other datacenter by using KiwiVM control panel.
Regarding our cheapest $19.99/year services, we are currently deploying additional racks to support the growth; our anticipated reopen date is November 14. Unfortunately we already had to push this date back a few times, so please take this into consideration. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
搬瓦工香港CN2 GIA方案
套餐名称 | CPU | 内存 | 硬盘 | 流量 | 带宽 | 年付价格 | 机房 | 购买地址 |
香港CN2 GIA线路 | 2核 | 2GB | 40GB | 0.5TB | 2.5Gbps | $899.99 | 2个机房 | 点击进入 (推荐) |
香港CN2 GIA线路 | 4核 | 4GB | 80GB | 1TB | 2.5Gbps | $1559.99 | 2个机房 | 点击进入 |
香港CN2 GIA线路 | 6核 | 8GB | 160GB | 2TB | 2.5Gbps | $2999.99 | 2个机房 | 点击进入 |
香港CN2 GIA线路 | 8核 | 16GB | 320GB | 4TB | 5Gbps | $5899.99 | 2个机房 | 点击进入 |
如果链接点进去显示(out of stock)表示缺货,可以暂时选择其它方案代替。
方案 | 内存 | 硬盘 | 月流量 | CPU | 机房 | 价格 | 购买地址 |
20G CN2 | 1GB | 20GB | 1TB | 1核 | 洛杉矶CN2 | $49.99/年 | 直达方案 |
40G CN2 | 2GB | 40GB | 2TB | 1核 | 洛杉矶CN2 | $52.99/半年 $99.99/年 | 直达方案 |
如果链接点进去显示(out of stock)表示缺货,可以暂时选择其它方案代替。